Social Enterprise Alliance Summit
Ripple worked with the Social Enterprise Alliance to get national attention for their annual Summit, which attracted over 400 business owners whose dual purpose is profit and social good. Since there was no “news,” per se, being released at this event, Ripple decided to use a content marketing approach by soliciting blog posts from the exceptional speakers, and then getting them placed on high-profile sites that reach audiences interested in business for social change.
This strategy was a huge success. We edited and placed posts from 14 different speakers, including: Honest Tea President Seth Goldman, MacArthur Genius and Benetech CEO Jim Fruchterman, and Nashville’s own amazing Episcopal priest, Becca Stevens, who employs survivors of sexual abuse at Thistle Farms, where they make natural body products for women.
The blogs ran on: Corporate Social Responsibility Wire a.k.a. CSRWire (1, 2, 3, 4), Huffington Post, Triple Pundit (1, 2, 3, 4), Real Leaders (1, 2, 3, 4) and GOOD Magazine (1, 2) — all of which mentioned and linked to more information about Summit ’14. We also generated coverage in Spirituality & Health, Flywheel, The Tennessean, the Nashville Scene and the Nashville Biz Blog.
We are so inspired by this growing community that is working hard each day to solve the world’s problems and figure out how to be financially sustainable themselves. To borrow from the book title of another trail-blazing Summit speaker, William D. Eggers, bravo to the Solution Revolution!