Thought leaders are trusted sources who move and inspire people with innovative ideas.

Ripple has perfected the process of ghost-writing op-eds, blog posts and other thought leadership pieces by coming up with compelling and timely topics; conducting interviews to capture the author’s authentic voice; and peppering this fresh, regularly-updated content with key words to increase SEO. We can help place these pieces in strategic outlets, or they can be used for newsletters, websites, social media, and more. Below please find some highlights of pieces Ripple has written and/or placed on behalf of clients.




Three Ingredients to Mainstream Social Enterprise

There’s a ton of buzz about social enterprise these days. Which thrills me: I believe that we can all do well by doing good. If you want to know more about why I believe, read my wonky manifesto below. But I’m also a do-er, so first, here are three ingredients required to mainstream social enterprise: […]

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Obama’s Climate Change Blind Spot

President Barack Obama’s recent promise to “lead by example” on climate had the potential to be a major step forward. But sadly, his latest pledge to reduce greenhouse gases seems poised to keep our nation moving backward. While he committed to reducing greenhouse gases within the federal government by 40 percent over the next decade, […]

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We must change the way we think about drug addiction in Maryland

I’ve been an emergency room physician for more than 30 years. Every shift, I see broken legs, lacerations, cases of pneumonia and more. On the surface, none appears related to the rising rates of drug addiction and crime plaguing our society. But they are. Recently, I treated a man with an abscess on his inner thigh […]

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How to Get Kids to Class

ARLINGTON, Va. – FOR the 16 million American children living below the federal poverty line, the start of a new school year should be reason to celebrate. Summer is no vacation when your parents are working multiple jobs or looking for one. Many kids are left to fend for themselves in neighborhoods full of gangs, […]

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Public lands at risk

I grew up on a produce farm on the outskirts of Salt Lake City, Utah. It was my playground, and our family’s livelihood.  From a very young age I had a deep reverence for the land and the great outdoors. As an adult, I appreciate it even more. Luckily, here in Utah we have many […]

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Colorado kids need Land and Water Conservation Fund

I’m a seventh-generation Latina Coloradan with roots in the San Luis Valley. I spent my childhood exploring the outdoors with my family — hiking, camping, skiing, rafting, and spending every summer at camp. Constructed in 1986, La Capilla de Todos Los Santos (the Chapel of All Saints) sits on a hill that overlooks the small […]

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Why investing in education is good for our economy

For kids, education is a basic human right. For adults, providing that education is a moral imperative. Those are the high-minded reasons that we invest in our public schools, but now the number-crunchers at Standard & Poor’s have given us one more: For the national economy, education is the tide that lifts all boats. If […]

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The Power of the Collective: Co-location & the Social Economy

The socio-political and economic conditions in North America have been undergoing a considerable shift over the last several decades. The end of the post-WWII “golden age” heralded a gradual erosion of the Keynesian welfare state social safety-net and as a result, state funding has been continuously withdrawn from social services. The reason for this shift […]

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The business case for sustainable electronics

It doesn’t take a genius to see that electronics are more widely used than ever before. People have become nearly inseparable from their smartphones, tablets and laptops. And they eagerly await the release of newer devices promising faster processing, better screen resolution, more apps, more functionality, more everything. The magnitude of the market for digital […]

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